“Previously an early elementary school teacher, she works with children ages 3 to 12 on private-school admission and assessment; parent clients include Adam Sandler and Tom Arnold.”

The Hollywood Reporter (Full Article Here)


“Then came circle time. The children left their bright green writing tables for the mat, where they sat surrounded by stuffed animals. Fraley led them through the months of the year, and when this prompted them to start shouting out their birthdays, she clapped rhythmically to get their attention. It worked. They quieted down. In unison, they clapped back the same sequence.”

Los Angeles Times (Full Article Here)


“It assumes the child is a whole person from birth, one who will blossom and mature with time, and RIE fosters autonomy and self-reliance. "The RIE technique is about giving babies more independence to develop skills on their own.”

Yahoo News (Full Article Here)

“Former teacher helps parents navigate preschool pitfalls”

Santa Monica Daily Press (Full Article Here)

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Elizabeth Fraley a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Canvas Rebel (Full Article Here)

Elizabeth Fraley and Kinder Ready’s 1-on-1 Approach to Education

Medium (Full Article Here)

Kinder Ready Introduces New SEL Program Led by Elizabeth Fraley

8newsnow (Full Article Here)

"One of the most popular is Kinder Ready." Kinder Ready helps "children master the skills they will need for Kindergarten." Kinder Ready offers a"broader, academic grounding in things like handwriting and communication skills that will prepare children for the demands of elementary school.”

Toddler Admissions Mania by Nicole La Porte